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Sakya Choekhor Lhunpo (The Melbourne Sakya Centre) aims to develop the practice and activities of Mahayana Buddhism in general and that of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in particular. We do this by fostering opportunities for Buddhist study and practice, as well as through engaging in meritorious activities.


The Sakya Choekhor Lhunpo was founded by His Holiness Sakya Trizin during his visit to Melbourne in June, 1997. In founding the organizationHis Holiness said that it was important that all four Tibetan Buddhist traditions be available in Melbourne so as to benefit different people with different kinds of karmic connections. It is our aim to develop the practice of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhismthrough providing opportunities for meditation, study, translation, publication, teaching and in any other way that makes Sakyapa Buddhist teachings and practice available. At the same time, we have a non-sectarian approach and encourage all forms of genuine Buddhist practice.

Soon after the founding of the centre Sakya Choekhor Lhunpo was incorporated in the state of Victoria as a not for profit organisation and operates according to its constitution. In the early days members met at the free room in the Hawthorn Library and then at the back gompa at the Kagyu Evam Buddhist Institute. A small group of people met weekly to practice the sadhanas of the initiations that His Holiness had given, including ChenrezigGreen TaraManjushri and Medicine Buddha. A couple of times a year Khenpo Ngawang Damchoe visited from Sydney and gave further teachings on a range of texts including Sakya Pandita’s "Illuminations of a Sage’s Intent", Aryadeva’s "50 Stanzas of Guru Devotion" and the like. Venerable Dungyud Rinpoche also visited every other year and gave furtherinitiations and teachings.

In 2004, Lama Lekshe of the Sakya Centre in RajpurIndia came and blessed the centre which we had then recenty created in Balaclava. Due to a change in circumstance in 2007 we moved on from the Balaclava building and to date hold regular practice at the Somatic Yoga Centre in Malvern. In April 2008 we welcomed our new resident lama Lama Konchok Choephel. His teachings, guidance at practices and helpful personal advice, have been a significant boost to the centre and its members. In the years since His Holiness's founding visit we have also hosted many special teaching/empowerment tours and centre visits by Sakyapa luminaries including:

Our ongoing teaching, group practice, annual retreat and other activities enable people at al levels to develop and further their connection with Tibetan Buddism. We welcome your participation






















Resident Lama & Spiritual Director


Lama Konchok Choephel was appointed the resident Lama at The Melbourne Sakya Centre after consultation with His Holiness Sakya Trizin and his two sons, their Eminences Ratna Vajra and Gyana Vajra Rinpoche. 

H.E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche had the following to say about lama la, as he is known at the centre: "Due to his knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism and his good conduct, he will make a good resident lama for Melbourne. More importantly he is a good person who has a kind heart."

Lama la first became a monk at the age of 14 in Tibet. He entered the Lhakhang Chenmo temple in Sakya (the main Sakya monastery) and stayed there for the next 6 years learning the traditional rites and rituals of Tibetan Buddhism.

In 1992, he and a few other fellow-monks made a very difficult and dangerous journey to India via Nepal. He arrived at the Sakya Center in India, and stayed there for the next 7 months. He then enrolled in the well known Sakya College, Dehradun, staying there for the next 7 years, to finally graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Buddhist Philosophy.

Upon his graduation, he spent a year in Nepal where he taught young monks at the Pema Tsa'l School in Kathmandu (now located in Pokhara).

In the year 2002, he entered the Sakya Dolma Phodrang as an attendant and secretary to His Holiness Sakya Trizin. Since his time at the Phodrang, he has served His Holiness with sincere dedication. He has travelled extensively as part of His Holiness entourage to countries like Taiwan, Singapore, and France (for the curious, he can be seen with His Holiness in a number of online videos).

On 2 April 2008 Lama Konchok Choephel arrived at Melbourne Airport, and since that time as launched himself into the role of being our resident lama and all that this entails.

Lama Konchok

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©2020 Sakya Choekor Lhunpo - Melbourne, Australia

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